Sunday, March 3, 2024

Girls Day Origami Ningyo

Happy Girls Day! I'm excited to share these Girls Day treats I received from my talented and crafty friend, Lorna this year. 

Lorna very cleverly used her origami skills to fold the beautiful kimonos for these Girls Day "ningyo" (dolls) for these treat holders. She used the print and cut feature on her electronic cutter to create the  heads and attached them to the origami kimonos to bring her dolls to life. Underneath, a mochi treat wrapped in rice paper serves as the stand for this sweet doll.

For this super kawaii treat box, Lorna created Girls Day prince and princess dolls sitting with  traditional "hishi mochi" (tricolor diamond shaped mochi), and displayed them on a doll stand.

The tricolor diamond shaped mochi is actually a box filled with more mochi and milk candies! I love that Lorna never fails to come up with the most original ideas to delight everyone she shares her creative treats with!

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