Sunday, July 11, 2021

Ice Cream Sundae Surprise

I had a "cool" idea I wanted to try with Karen Burniston's Parcel Pop Up die so I used it to put together this birthday card for a super sweet friend. I used the "Cool Treats" cutting file from Marjorie Ann Designs to make my paper pieced ice cream sundae which you can see through the clear acetate I used for the front panel of the card. The spoon (also from the "Cool Treats" set) and the die cut "Happy Birthday" from Whimsy Stamps and Hello Bluebird were glued onto the front bottom flap of this card. 

I also added a rounded flap to the top of the card, adding neodymium magnets behind the patterned paper to keep the card closed. As the card is opened...

Surprise! What appeared to be a scoop of chocolate ice cream in the sundae pops up to be a teddy bear with a cherry on top! Teddy Bear is also part of the "Cool Treats" cutting file.

If you know how much I truly love my ice cream and teddy bears, you'll understand how excited I was to be able to see my idea come to life, lol!  Yes, this Karen Burniston Parcel Pop Up die mechanism is fast becoming a favorite with me. Hope I can continue to dream up more fun ways to use it!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my! This is surely one of my favorite card creations that you've posted. I love how the ice cream scoops evolved into a sweet bear. You are so clever! The magnet component and use of acetate is pure genius. I'm going to be thinking of this card for a long time and you may someday even see bits of it on some of my cards. LOL!


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