Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Birthday Cheers and Beers!

For a change, I opted not to make hubby a golf themed card for his birthday this year. When I first saw the "Six Pack Bottle Box Card" cutting file over at the Lori Whitlock shop, I  thought it was so neat and knew it would make a perfect card  for hubby.

The original cutting file is for a generic six pack of bottles so I had fun personalizing the card by dressing the carton and bottles to look like hubby's favorite brand of beer. I imported the brand logo images into Make the Cut design program to create the carton, bottle and bottle neck labels and used the Print and Cut function to cut them out.

This view from the top: bottles are attached to struts inside the carton.

I added my sentiment to the backside of the carton. I forgot to get a photo of the flattened card, but as with all the of the Card in a Box style cards, this one also folds flat and easily slides into an envelope. Not sure if hubby liked his card or not... I only heard him mumble something under his breath about "fake beer"....!


  1. Oh but I do like this card and I don't even drink beer! You are so very clever and make very unique, attractive cards.

  2. Thank you for the photos, I couldn't find a tutorial to assemble this one, and your photos helped. What a great idea to personalize it. My brother-in-law is a fan of Sierra Nevada, so I used your trick. :) Still assembling it, so I hope it turns out well.


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