Saturday, September 23, 2017

Shadow Box Gable Box

I had the opportunity to spend a couple mornings this past summer with two amazingly creative friends to share crafty ideas and projects. Only problem is that I always have a tough time coming up with a creative project worthy enough to share with these two uber talented ladies! Just so happens during that time I was on a quest to find "the perfect pound cake recipe", baking nearly everyday, testing different recipes. This kitchen experiment left me with more loaves of pound cake than hubby and I could ever eat, which gave me the idea to put together a fun gable box as my share project so I could share my pound cake overload with my friends at the same time.

The template for this gable box comes from the Classic Gift Boxes Collection from SVG Cuts. I decreased the size of the original cutting file a bit to fit a mini loaf pan plus an additional 1/2 inch to the depth to allow room for the shadowbox insert.  I used the fill and print and cut functions in the Make the Cut Program to do the top of the box so it would look like a roof . Still learning how to properly use the fill feature which lets me fill shapes with patterns from digital paper files. Finding it lots of fun with so many creative possibilities!

To make my gable box unique, I decided to create a shadowbox on the front of the box. Inspiration for this comes from the very cool shadowbox giftbag/giftcard holders by Lori Whitlock which she sells at her shop. I purchased the file for this and increased the size of the pop up insert to fit my gable box. My Melody and Hello Kitty images were created using the print and cut feature in Make the Cut and adhered to the pop up insert. Oval scallop frame was created by welding circle shapes together. A piece of clear acetate was glued to the inside to create a window effect.
Really had fun putting this together and I'm hoping my friends did too. I'm enjoying playing with the fill feature and print and cut functions in Make the Cut now. Although it will probably never replace my love for paper piecing, it definitely is a time saver and great to use when I need to do multiples and time is a factor.


  1. How fun to get together with your friends who share the same passion for crafting. Your gable box is beautiful and you pound cake sure looks yummy! I'm sure your friends loved their delightful gift from you.

  2. You must have genius skills to be able to figure out how to make so many gorgeous projects. The box is lovely and very professional. I'm sure your baked goods are just as fabulous since you test them out. I try a recipe once and if it fails I go on to something else...LOL!

  3. Your designs are always amazing and this is another beautiful and sweet project! You always use just the perfect papers to make your creations so amazing. I still haven't found the perfect pound cake yet. Is there a chance you can share?


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