Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Girls Day Ningyo-gami

I apologize for being a little late with this, but just HAD to share these jaw dropping FABULOUS Girls Day treat boxes we received from our super talented friend Lorna!

Lorna made these beautiful Japanese dolls known as "ningyo gami" from paper, placing each doll in its own little "doll case". If you look closely you'll see that the doll cases are actually cellophane bags turned upside down. Yowza! How creative is that?!!!

And if you dared to even take this apart, you'd find that the base of the doll case is a box with sweet mochi candies hidden inside! Totally amazing, right?
But wait, there's more....

Here are the adorable treat holders Lorna made to share with her Bon Dance Club friends. Flip the kawaii paper pieced kokeshi doll over to find the sweet candies strapped to the backside. Once again, Lorna and her creative mojo are on fire! Don't know how she does it, but this creative gal never fails to come up with the most amazing treats and surprises. Thank you, Lorna!


  1. Hi Eunice! Recently found your blog, and I've been fascinated with all your projects you've posted. I'm an interactive card maker, and your Sliding Pop Up Box caught my eye. I've looked at the basic pattern, but you took it to a whole different direction! Would love for you to share a template on how you make your version with the tabs.

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  2. Thanks for sharing Lorna's Girl's Day treat holders. They are both very attractive and really got me inspired for next year.

  3. Anita If you will email me I will be more than happy to email you the svg file for the template you are requesting.


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