Sunday, December 6, 2015

Birthday Surprises

Another short post today to share a few of the sweet surprises I received for my birthday this year. This is the amazing card I received from my bestest crafting buddy Kris. Without question, this has to be CUTEST Tsum Tsum card ever!

And of course, being from Kris, this had to be another fun interactive card. We've all seen those neat cards that look like smartphones and iphones...but this is the first time I've seen a phone card with a game on CLEVER!!! Kris made this adorable card even more special by making it into a Penny Spinner card. If you look very closely, you can detect the curvy track for the spinner. It's hard to see because the backing panel is printed with an image identical to the front panel and Kris took the time to perfectly align the images. See how the Mickey Tsum spins along the track to the bottom? SUPER COOL!!!

Mmmmm!!! Don't these cranberry scones look scrumptious? Let me tell you, they are! My dear friend Heather baked these sweet yummies for my birthday...lucky me! You know how scones are usually dry and crumbly? Not these! Move over, Starbucks! Heather's scones are my absolute favorite...moist, buttery, melt in your mouth deliciousness!

Then to make my special day even more special, my little Latte came to visit me at work again this year for my birthday! Awww....I always love getting these adorable puppy bouquets from hubby!


  1. Happy Belated Birthday Eunice!!!! Woo-hoo, you were surprised with the most awesome gifts. Wow, that spinner card is amazing! Yes, Kris sure did align the DPs so perfectly. WOW! Ummm, and Heather whipped up some super yummy scones! Bet they hit the spot. And that has got to be the cutest, most adorable puppy bouquet. Sure looks like your precious Latte. Your hubby is sugar sweet.

  2. Happy Birthday!
    Those scones look awesome!
    Do you think Heather would share her recipe with your blog readers?


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