Sunday, July 19, 2015

The Cat In the Hat Wants to Have Fun!

While searching the web for "Dr. Suess-isms" to use for the graduation card I posted last week, I came across a ton of super cute Dr. Seuss ideas that I couldn't resist pinning...and it's a good thing I did since my next card project just happened to be a baby's first birthday card for my cousin's grandson who was having a storybook themed party. What better story to use than everyone's favorite "Cat In The Hat"!

I was completely in awe and inspired by Odette Martinez' adorable Cat in the Hat party invite as well as Cheryl from Crack of Dawn Crafts and her clever "Thing Box" when creating this card. I used an image of The Cat in the Hat found on the web, rendered into a cutfile with MTC. The cutfile for the red crate box was also created in MTC by welding shapes together. And I really loved the blue chevron paper Odette used for her invites, but didn't have any on hand so had to improvise by making my own. Just connected little blue rectangles together in a repeating zig zag pattern in my Print Shop program...and voila!...faux chevron patterned paper!

Wanted to make this a fun interactive card that a child might enjoy so I chose to do a Covered Slider Card, using the template shared by Chia Wald of Chia's Rubber Stamp Art. I added an extra large pull up tab to the slider, easy enough for little fingers to grab a hold of...

...and pull up on. As the sentiment on the slider pulls up at the top of the card...

...up pops Thing 1 and Thing 2 from the red crate!

Had so much fun putting this card together, all the while reminiscing about how much I enjoyed reading the "classics" from Dr. Seuss out loud as a child and once again as an adult to my daughter growing up.


  1. Wow! This is amazing! I love that you made your own Chevron paper!It looks fantastic! Everything about this is just wonderful! I love how the cards you make are interactive. This is awesome Eunice. Hope you are enjoying your weekend :)

  2. Such a fun card....brings back memories of reading to my Dr. Seuss. Thanks for sharing your beautiful creation.

  3. Perfect card for a little one.
    Dr. Seuss rocks!


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