Sunday, September 1, 2013

Pink Hydrangea Keepsake

I can't even begin to tell you how excited I was to receive this beautiful card in the mail a couple weeks ago from my dear friend Gene.
Gene is one very busy lady who doesn't get a chance to play in her craft room very often, but when she does, WOWZA! She always comes up with the most fabulous cards and paper craft projects. You really gotta see this card irl...everything about this card is truly amazing...the coordinating colors, the dimension, and all the details...
I am totally in awe with this pink hydrangea...wonder how many little blossoms it took to create this beauty? Hydrangeas are one of my favorite flowers. Did you know they come in many different colors? Not only the familiar blue and lavender, but also in shades of green and white and of course, my favorite color pink! Gene mentions in her sweet note to me that she used the tutorial by Kittie Caracciolo on her blog Kittie Craft to put this stunning domed flower together. Certainly a lot of time and love was put into this!
Thank you Gene! This beautiful keepsake shall be treasured always as a token of our sweet friendship!


  1. Truly a work of art...Gene's flower is stunning! Luck you!!!!
    Paper Hugs,

  2. YES, Gene is a wonderful crafter. She is way too busy but when she sits down to make a card - it is a wow one, for sure. Lucky girl to have received this wonderful card!!!! Nice job, Gene!!!!


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