Sunday, March 2, 2008

A New Card Idea from New Friends

Another fast & simple one. A card for grandpa.Used Paper Pups cart for the doggie and Beyond Birthdays for the sentiment inside. Really like the fold on this card, kind of like a card in a card. And I like how the front of the card is held closed with the little flower! First saw this type of card on the Pieces of Me blog by Jen. She's a new found friend and a super creative and talented lady! Whenever I'm in a creative slump, I visit her blog for fresh & creative ideas. Found more samples of this card at BIG ideas from a little girl blog by Teri, yet another uber creative gal and new found friend! Learned from Teri's blog that this card has a name...the Joy fold card, named after the girl who first came up with the idea. I thought that was pretty amusing... kind of like it was an invention or some sort of earth shattering discovery! But then again, maybe to some of us it is!

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